Are You Ready for Your Child to Get Fantastic Grades?
The simple system which will unleash your child's true brilliance so they can get great grades and surpass their peers even if they learn differently
Build the skills needed for reading, math, writing, and other academics
- Improve your child's love for learning something new
- Enhance your child's ability to absorb a new subject and retain the memory
- Help your child get spectacular grades and catch up to and even surpass their peers
Help your child succeed in school and in life. This system will enhance the natural skills your child has and help him or her tap into their core problems with learning to solve them at their roots
FREE 15 Day Trial
Then $49 per month. Cancel anytime
Pay Yearly and Save
$297 for an entire year. (Save $291)
Downloadable Lessons Delivered Daily By Email. Takes 15 Minutes Per Day
Embrace Your Child's True Brilliance
Sometimes the smartest children don't perform well in school.
More and more parents have realized how outdated our school system is. It is a cookie-cutter approach. Originally designed to pump out factory workers. Unique children with unique minds don't thrive in that approach.
Schools do not serve unique learners well. They do not bring out their true potential. They do not let your child's brilliance shine.
Because they miss critical elements needed for learning.
You can add in the missing elements. You can give them the help they are not getting. The help they will never get from standard education.
- Schools do not enhance creativity.
- Standardized testing does not set students up for success.
- Schools do not focus on your child's unique intelligence.
You can do these things for your child.
The Learning Success System gives parents the tools they need. The tools to help children excel at school and go on to succeed in life.
And it only takes about 15 minutes per day
"Embrace Your Child's Brilliance and Unleash Their True Potential!"
The Only System That Addresses All Parts Of The Problem
Most systems fail because they only focus on one part of the problem. Treating a child like a computer will not work. Our brains, our bodies, and our emotions all work together. All of these must be addressed together. Emotional, physical, sensory, and cognitive.
- Restore Confidence
- Enhance The Minds Own Natural Ability To Grow And Develop
- Build Up the Cognitive Micro-Skills
- Strengthen Executive Functioning Skills
- Bring Back Your Child's Love of Learning
Get the Learning Success System today and get your child started towards a bright future.
Stop the "I'm Not Smart" Struggle Now!
- Lost Confidence - Frustration - Discouragement
- Avoidance - Delaying - Procrastination
- Feels Stupid - Afraid of Failing
- Easily Distracted - Fidgety - Hyperactive
- Shuts Down - Goes Blank - Stares Off
- Low Effort - Seems Lazy - Takes Too Long To Do Homework
- Crying - Tantrums - Stubborn
Stop The Struggle Now!
Get Back Those Countless Hours Wasted On Fighting Over School Work
Does homework take longer than it should?
Does your child take longer to get homework done because they:
- Hate reading?
- Hate math?
- Hate Homework?
- Lose the skills they just learned?
More homework won't help. You've already tried that. Yet that's often what the school suggests.
Instead, help your child build up their learning skills.
Then watch them love learning again. Watch them get great grades. Watch them surpass their peers.
Use the Learning Success System To Get Your Child Back on Track.
Stop Wasting Precious Time!
Improve Focus
- Lack of focus?
- Getting tasks done on time?
- Trouble following instructions?
- Have difficulty remembering things?
- Have difficulty completing tasks?
- Disorganized?
Your Child Deserves To Get Good Grades
There Is A Solution
- Build up fundamental learning skills
- Increase self-confidence
- Master emotions.
- Trigger neuroplasticity
- Integrate the brain regions
- Integrate the senses
They used the Learning Success System. A simple step-by-step approach.
The Learning Success System
Do the Learning Success System from the comfort of your own home.
Created by the combined expertise of:
- Teachers
- Educational therapists
- Psychologists
- Mind-body and proprioception experts
- Nutritionists
- Motivation experts
They've created a complete solution. A system that solves every aspect of a learning struggle. You get all that expertise. Right in your home any time you need it.
Give your child the gift of improved learning.
Watch your child enjoy taking on new learning challenges.
Imagine Your Child Finally Enjoying School.
Build Up The Building Blocks Of Learning
- Reading
- Spelling
- Math
- Writing
- and more
What You Get
Daily Instructional Emails - We keep you on track with our daily instructional emails. Each email:
- Introduces the next exercise
- Explains the exercise
- Explains the purpose of that exercise
Making it very easy for you to help your child.
Video Explanations - Each exercise comes with a video tutorial. Explaining exactly how to do that exercise. This makes it very easy to follow and do.
New Exercises Added Monthly - Each month we add a new set of exercises to your account. Your account is always fresh with new and fun exercises.
Member Forums - Interact with other parents helping their children. A lot of great things happen in our member forums.
Access to Learning Professionals - Our team members are here to help. They'll give professional advice in the expert forums. Ask a question and get it answered by a professional.
Exercises come in a variety of formats. Some are videos that you follow along. Some are game-like animations. Some are downloadables. Some are audibles that you follow along with.
All are easy and well explained. Making it very easy for you to understand and do with your child.
Don't Make These Mistakes
- Learning Centers
- Tutors
- Extra homework
- Special classes
"But if you don't get to the core problem these things just make it worse"
Treat All Aspects of the Problem
Learning struggles need a multi-pronged approach. It is critical to address each part of the problem. Single approach systems fail.
The Learning Success System covers all aspects of overcoming a learning struggle. Each is needed for success
- Build up cognitive micro-skills
- Develop self-confidence and determination
- Manage emotions
- Trigger neuroplasticity
Built By A Team Of Experts
- Educational and occupational therapy
- Psychology and communication
- Mind-body integration
- Proprioception and motor skills
- Nutrition
- Education
- Personal experience in raising a child with a learning difficulty
This multi-pronged approach makes the Learning Success System unique and effective. When a child struggles in school it's not only academics that are affected. It's emotional as well.
To overcome a learning struggle a child needs help in all of the above skills. It takes a team. So that's what we created.
Get This Team Helping Your Child
Get the Learning Success System
Improve Grades
Build up the fundamentals of Learning and improve academic ability
What would better grades feel like?
Who would be happier? You’re child? You? Grandparents? Teachers? Your whole family?
The Peace Of Mind
How would it feel to know that your child is on the right path? The path to enjoying school. The path to a good education. The path to a good career. The path to being happy and having a happy family of their own.
Strong learning skills mean being at grade level or above. How would it feel when your child is ahead of the class? Enjoying school and gaining self-confidence.
Increased self-confidence leads to a lot of great things. Like being more creative. Like being more independent. Getting things done on their own. Self-confidence is the key to a happy and productive life.
When a learning struggle happens confidence plummets.
All parents should use the confidence techniques in the Learning Success System. It's even more important for parents of struggling students.
Once you improve confidence the avoidance tactics will disappear.
No more tantrums, crying, acting lazy, or shutting down. And your child will no longer feel like they are stupid.
Improved learning skills gives your child the ability to excel in academics. Getting a good education leads them to a better future.
Imagine a better future for your child. What would that look like? You'll be thrilled with your investment in the Learning Success System
Decide today to help your child become a great student and a successful learner
Improve Executive Function Skills
Executive function skills are essential to learning and so much more. These skills include paying attention, organizing, planning, and prioritizing, staying on task, and regulating emotions. A tremendous amount of research shows that these are the skills of long term success.
For example
- Improving Self-Control has been shown to improve math ability and also lead to stronger literacy skills
- The ability to follow directions leads to more involved students who actively participate in the classroom
- The ability to pay attention and focus is a major predictor of a child's future levels of achievement
Imagine what it would be like if your child had greater self-control, could follow instructions better, and had stronger focus skills.
"Research Has Shown That Improving These Skills Has A Dramatic Effect On Your Child's School Performance"
Improve Cognitive Skills
There is a myth that has been floating around for over a hundred years. Recent science has completely disproven it.
It Is The Myth That Brains Don't Change
A brain that is constantly stimulated is a growing and developing brain.
The myth is extremely damaging because when people assume brains don't change, they don't. Because they do not give them the stimulation needed. Don't fall into that myth.
It's like the story of "The Tortoise and the Hare". Working with your child, over time, causes dramatic changes in cognitive skills. It is this practice of life long skill development that leads to high achievement. It's not where a child starts, it's the process. So if your child has fallen behind don't worry. You can change that. And it's best to start today.
Cognitive Skills Include:
Working Memory
Logical Thinking
Visual-Spatial Thinking
Start developing them in your child today!
What Other Parents Are Saying
How It Works
1) Immediately upon purchasing you will be given access to the member's portal. In the lessons section of the portal, you will have access to your first month's lessons. This is to give you easy access to all of the lessons and keep things organized.
2) Each day you will receive an email. That email will tell you which lesson to do and provide further instructions for that lesson.
3) Each lesson takes approximately 2-3 minutes. Some will be very easy and some will be slightly more challenging. If a lesson is extremely easy you just do it a few times over a few days and then move on. If a lesson is more challenging you will continue to do that lesson each day until it becomes very easy.
A 15 Minute Routine
By doing the above you will be building up a daily routine. That routine should last for about 15 minutes. If it is less than that you will add more lessons into the routine. If it starts to get longer you stop adding lessons to the routine until the ones you are working on become easy and you can move on.
This process makes for an ever-changing routine that your child will enjoy. Most children find it very fun. Since it is nothing like school work they often consider it a game and have fun with it.
Access to Helpful Members and Experts
You also get immediate access to the member forums where you can ask questions of other parents and our experts.
Enhance Your Child's Natural Learning Ability
These small, easy exercises build up your child's natural learning ability over time. This makes school work easier for them. As their skills build homework resistance fades and grades improve.
Once your child regains their confidence and has built up their learning skills they will begin to excel in school. Catching up to and often surpassing their peers.
You Must Act Now!
Your child is either moving backward or forwards.
When there is a learning struggle things can go from bad to worse quickly.
Every day is a new risk that your child will have that moment that is just too embarrassing and frightening to handle.
Every day this goes on your child slips further and further into lower self-esteem, more frustration, and more fear. Making it harder and harder to recover. Go too long and the chances of turning this around become slim.
So it is critically important to act fast and get your child on an improvement path today. Letting it go another day just makes it harder on your child. Every day that goes by is painful for your child. Act today and get back your happy smart child.
Click the button below and get started. You'll get immediate access!
I can't wait to see your child on the path to success.
Founder - Learning Success
Our guarantee. Try the program and if you do not see an improvement in your child simply send us the completed worksheets and we will issue a full refund. Simple as that.
Your Free Gifts
Act now to get these free bonusses.

The only auditory processing program program designed to do at-home. Improve the auditory processing skills that are the core problem behind dyslexia and many of learning struggles. Over 2000 exercises to select from so you can easily adjust to your skill level and needs. Keeping you just challenged enough to have continuous improvement so you can overcome your learning struggles. A $600 value. Offered as a free bonus for a limited time. Don't miss out on this valuable bonus

Implemented a solid homework strategy requires the best brain breaks possible. Our Yoga Nidra brain breaks are just that. A variety of relaxing and enjoyable Yoga Nidra brain breaks. Various lessons designed at different age levels. We have Yoga Nidra Brain breaks that are sure to relax your mind and get you ready to get back to it with a fresh mind,

Laughter Yoga is a great way to take a brain break. Rejuvenating the spirit and lifting moods. Laughter Yoga is a great technique for keeping the brain and the body happy. Release the homework stress with alittle laughter Yoga and you'll be ready and primed to get back to it. We have laughter Yoga sessions for all ages. Add some fun to homework time.

A full length documentary explaining why children ofen have big emotions and how to help them manage them. Learn to eliminate tantrums and improve behavior in a loving way.
When children have big emotions it can be frustrating for parents. The concepts presented in this documentary film will help parents understand why children become overly emotional plus how to help children manage them. Learn how to tame the tantrums, crying, or shutting down. Resulting in better behavior, increased emotional intelligence, and a stronger parent-child bond.

Learn from other parents and educational therapy experts in our private members forum.
It's important to have expert help when you need it. Or to get advice from other parents who have been through this. So we set up a private members forum for you to ask questions. You'll get answers from our experts and also from other parents who are working through the same things as you. Our experts not only have a lot of knowledge, but they have been through this as well. Most of them have helped their own kids through learning struggles. So they understand what you are going through.

The program is designed to build up all micro-skills. However extra, dyslexia specific, exercises are added so that if dyslexia is a known issue you can focus more on those exercises.
Specific exercises treat all forms of dyslexia including phonological, visual, and directional. Easy exercises that develop all of the micro-skills typically weak in dyslexics.

To allow you to give extra attention to dyscalculia specific problems if needed. (Dyscalculia is a math disability)
Specific exercises help with math micro-skills such as visual memory, visual memory manipulation, and visual discrimination. Easy exercises treat all of the micro-skills typically weak in dyscalculics.

Handwriting is important to learning. Developing the connection between the brain, the eyes and the hand is critical. It will help in other areas. And because there is less and less focus on this in school, we feel that it is important to get practice in this area. So we have added lots of extra handwriting exercises.

Brain balancing exercises are beneficial for everyone. So we've thrown in a complete series of them.

Whether its a quick question or a deeper discussion, having an experienced professional to ask can make all the difference.
Our members forum is the perfect place for that. Ask a question and one of our professionals will be there for you. Our team members regularly frequent the forums looking to help our member parents.

Once you see the effects of developing your child's proprioception you are going to want more. So we've developed a complete advanced proprioception series so you can take it to the next level when you are ready

We want to keep you on track. Email is a great way to do this. The emails not only remind you that it's time to login and do an exercise, but they also provide more detail on the purpose of each exercise and how to do it. Our members have told us they love this bonus because it keeps them motivated and on track.

Everyone child is different. As you do the program you will start to realize patterns. The micro-skills that have been holding you back will become obvious. At this point you will want to concentrate of those skills a little more. We provide extra exercises in each category to allow you to customize to your needs.
This will also help you if you need help in other skills such as math or writing.
With this ability to customize you can use the Learning Success System to improve skills in all areas of learning.
Parents Are The Key To A Child's Success
If there is one thing that the research shows more than anything it is that parent involvement is the key.
Parents who work directly with their children on these skills raise the most successful children.
So no matter what school help you get. No matter what professionals you work with. No one can have the impact that you can. You are the expert in your child. No one else can compare.
This has been proven over and over.
With the right tools, you will have a bigger effect on the outcome than any other person. And the earlier you start the easier it will be to make that change happen. Start Today!