"My Child Won't Do Homework!" - Expert Roundup

Does your child give you trouble at homework time?

Homework avoidance, tantrums, procrastination, headaches, stomach aches, and various other tactics are all too familiar to parents. These may indicate a deeper problem.

We've polled top experts for their solutions. Click the stars to rate your favorites.

Have your own tip you'd like to share? Post it here.

If your child is rebelling at homework time take this online analysis and find out why.

Tips From The Experts - Rate Your Favorites!

Displaying 51 - 70 of 70

Contributor: Dr. Kimberly Williams

Homework avoidance occurs for numerous reasons. When working with parents, I first take the detailed history to understand the multiple and overlapping reasons for the difficulties.


Often the primary reason for homework struggles is an underlying learning disability. I need to know if the child's learning disability has been identified, acknowledged, understood and addressed by school team and parents. A learning disability will make a difference in how you provide homework help.


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Contributor: Steve Sonntag

Contributor title: Semi-retired Teacher and a Semi-retired Tutor

Here are some strategies, that can be used to overcome the avoidance and emotional issues when it comes to homework. First and foremost, parents need to listen to their young adults. By doing so, parents can determine what is going on. In turn, if parents know the material, that is a bonus that can help their young adults. The parents can determine what their young adults do understand and what they need help with.

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Contributor: Sherry Kelly, PhD

Contributor title: Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Neuropsychologist




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Contributor: Ari S. Yares, Ph.D., NCSP

Company: DC Public Schools

With homework tantrums, you must try to see if the problem with the homework is the match of the assignment to the child's ability and skills. Often times, a child is frustrated with the assignment because they don't fully understand the directions. The child should often be instructed to have them repeat back what they think they are supposed to do and the instructions must read through with them. If the assignment is within their reach, but they've still got some resistance to it, there should be a modification to the assignment at home (e.g.

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Contributor: Carole Lieberman M.D.

Contributor title: America’s Psychiatrist

Company: Dr. Carole

The most common way that children (and adults) resist doing homework is by watching television, fiddling on the computer or playing video games. These can all be addicting once you get started. The trick is not to start. This may mean unplugging or hiding these time-wasters before the child gets home.

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Contributor: Robin Glassey

Company: Robin Glassey author

There are a few things I’ve learned to take into consideration when it comes to homework time and why the tantrum is happening. 


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Contributor: Johnna A. Ithier

Company: JohnnaIthierSpeakLife

Good morning, I am a special education teacher and parent of two and have dealt with homework avoidance both at home and at a school. As a parent:


1.Find a time that works best for your child. My daughter will come home with her homework, and then have the rest of the night for herself. My, son needs a break 1st.


2. Set a routine and recognize it may take a while for routines to be set.


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Contributor: Kanesha Baynard

Company: Bold Living Today (Kanesha Baynard Coaching, LLC)

1.  Set up an inviting homework space/station in your home. It doesn't have to be permanent station if your home is small. Be creative and have a table/desk, cushion/beanbag, and all homework supplies available.


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Contributor: Lemi-Ola Erinkitola

Contributor title: Author, Award-winning Educator

Company: The Critical Thinking Child LLC

I recommend taking the stress away from homework. As a parent, you fill the role of monitor and motivator with the 3 strategies below:

Blur the lines between learning and playing

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Contributor: Dr. Fran Walfish

Too many parents are trapped in a war with their youngsters over doing homework.  Below are the 5 tips for parents to get kids to do their homework.  If these do not do the trick, it’s best to hire a Homework Helper, a high school or college age young adult with good energy who can sit with your child and support him through homework rather than you.  There are so many tasks parents need to enforce that create an environment ripe for battle.  Let’s pull Mom and Dad out of the homework equation. 


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Contributor: Katya Seberson



Here is what I can say about reducing resistance to homework.

It's important to realize that kids and adults resist homework, not because they are "bad" people and don't have a strong character, but because homework is hard. Kids don't often acknowledge it, and instead, they may say that "I hate homework!" or " Homeworking is boring!" or "School S*cks!"


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Contributor: Christian Schomaker

I have found two unique techniques useful.


The first is respect. When stressing the importance of homework, parents often communicate in a manner that lacks respect.


The other technique is to communicate in a manner that makes an emotional validation of the student's position.


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Contributor: Bethany Todd

Company: e.Merging Education Consulting

Research suggests that homework might not be as beneficial as we once thought, especially for struggling learners. For them, homework time can affect their confidence and cause more problems than help. Meeting with a child's teacher is the best place to start. Consider asking the teacher about the purpose of the homework, discuss your child's behavior at home during homework time, and advocate for differentiated work.

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Contributor: Jennifer Cooper, Ph.D.

Company: Tennessee Center for the Study and Treatment of Dyslexia

For students who struggle, homework can be a daunting task for child and parent alike. Few of us like to engage in tasks that are extremely difficult for long periods or have the tenacity to do so, but for a child who has a learning disability, that can be exactly what homework requires. There are strategies to make the process of homework a more positive experience.


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Contributor: Michael Levitt

Contributor title: Chief Executive Officer

Company: BreakfastLeadership.com

Too often, parents sit down with their children after dinner, to assist with the homework needs.  After a big (or not-so-big) meal, our bodies are using energy to break down our meal, so using our brains to work on school tasks is a tough ask.


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Contributor: Colin Ma

Contributor title: Strategy Lead & Technical Architect

Company: Study Prep Lounge


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Contributor: Brooke Fallek

Contributor title: Assistant Account Executive

Company: ASTRSK PR

I wanted to introduce you to a new suite of French apps launching today in the U.S., U.K., and Canada called Xooloo. Xooloo was created to help parents teach their kids about every age responsibility with tech while still empowering them to be STEM stars of the future!

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Contributor: Hasan Ali

Company: Air Tutors

One way a parent can help ameliorate homework anxiety is by bringing a tutor to help the student. I have about 12 years of tutoring experience and I find that a parent can talk to the student regarding homework completion, but the student will have a completely adverse reaction which increases the stress in the family. However, if I say the same exact thing the parent said to the student, the student will be far more receptive towards completing the homework assignment and academia in general.

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Contributor: AJ Saleem

Contributor title: Academic Director

Company: Suprex Tutors Houston

The best strategy I have is something called positive reinforcement. Every time they do homework, you award them with a small treat. This allows you to encourage them to work on homework without resistance and treat it as something good.


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Contributor: Roger J. Willard

Company: Willard Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a great tool to help students succeed. Resistance is many times caused by a poor performance which makes them just want to give up. There are several approaches to this with hypnosis.

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