These are some I’ve used with my own kids (11 and 14) and that I recommend to other parents:
Some kids are simply too tired and out of resources by the end of the day; especially very young kids. In these cases - especially if you have an early riser - try moving homework time to the morning. You’ll likely experience much less resistance since your child will have lots of emotional and physical resources to rely on.
Make homework a time to be together. Instead of simply sending your child off to do their homework, make it a family event by doing it with them. Even if they do it at the counter while you make dinner, this can feel less isolating and you’re available for any questions your child might have.
Foster a growth mindset. When kids believe they’re “dumb” or that being smart is something you’re born with, there’s not much motivation for them to try. They can also become very discouraged about homework, believing it’s a waste of time (since they’ll never be smart anyway). When we can instill in them that intelligence is something that can increase when they work hard, we give them the motivation they need to actually become invested in their schoolwork. This will ultimately lead to a decrease in homework meltdowns.
On a personal note:
Both my daughter's teachers and I have been talking a lot with her about growth mindset this year. It took her a couple of months to really internalize it, but once she did I saw a huge change in her approach to homework! While she’s never really complained much about homework, she’s become really motivated to try hard and go above and beyond in her work.