Karen Gross is a Washington, DC-based author and educator as well as an advisor to nonprofit schools, organizations, and governments. Her work focuses on student success with a specialization in trauma, its symptomology, and approaches to its amelioration. She has worked with institutions planning for and dealing with in-person-and nature-made disasters including shootings, suicides, immigration detention, family dysfunction, hurricanes, and floods. She is the award-winning author of Breakaway Learners: Strategies for Post- Secondary Success (TC Press 2017) and Failure and Forgiveness: Rebalancing the Bankruptcy System (Yale University Press 1996). She is also the author of a trauma-sensitive children’s book series, Lady Lucy’s Quest. She has read to more than 3000 children across the globe. Her newest book is Trauma Doesn't Stop at the School Door: Strategies and Solutions for Educators, PreK–College (Pub date: June 19, 2020 - www.tcpress.com/karen-gross ) Karen currently serves as Senior Counsel to Finn Partners. She is an instructor in continuing education at Rutgers University Graduate School of Social Work and also sits on the Advisory Council at the Center for Minority Serving Institutions at Rutgers. She is a Visiting Professor at Bennington College and artist-in-residence at Molly Stark Elementary School (VT).
She served for 8 years as President of Southern Vermont College and as Senior Policy Advisor to the US Department of Education during the Obama Administration. Prior to that, she was a tenured law professor for 22 years in NYC. She has also served on numerous local, regional, and national boards, including Campus Compact, New England Board of Higher Education, and the Sage Colleges.
A frequent voice on education issues across the preK–20 pipeline, she has written for numerous publications, among them University Business, Age of Awareness, The Hechinger Report, The New England Journal of Higher Education, LinkedIn, Forest of the Rain Productions, InsideHigherEd and The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Added information is available at www.karengrosseducation.com