IEP Answers - Chris Reichert

Chris Reichert
Udefi Life
Average: 2.5 (13 votes)

I am a special education teacher, disability advocate, husband, and father. I am also someone with disabilities. I was diagnosed with ADHD at 14, epilepsy and a learning disability at 16. From early on, I always knew I wanted to help improve the lives of children with disabilities because I know how difficult life with disabilities can be. I graduated with my B.A. in Elementary Education K-6 and Severe Disabilities K-12+ from Westminster College in 2012 and my M.A. in Educational Leadership from the University of Wyoming in 2018. I am a passionate and outspoken disability advocate. I leverage my extensive personal and professional experience to improve the lives of those with disabilities and their families. My areas of specialization include: special education law, severe academic and behavioral needs, navigating complex school systems, working with community support professionals, and facilitating the IEP process for clients and their families.