Homework can be very stressful for both parents and students. The stress of having additional school work after the school day has come to an end can hinder a child’s abilities, disabling them from fully enjoying their academic life. At Fusion Academy, it is vital for us to create a relaxing, stress-free atmosphere where students can complete assignments with teacher assistance. We believe that homework should say in school, improving the quality of family time and as a result, nurture a love for education in each student. Students tend to be motivated and excited about learning thanks to our Homework Café®.
If your child attends a traditional learning center or school, we recommend parents to try to create a relaxing space where the child can nurture his/her creativity. It is essential for a student to have a homework area that’s free of distractions and has all the materials they’ll need to get the work done. This will result in increased academic interest, helping the child unlock his/her academic potential. Additionally, when a student gets stuck, it’s healthy for them to engage in a different activity for a little while, preferably physical. This will allow them to approach the homework with a more clear mind.
Maria Cardenas is the Head of School for Fusion Miami. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in English (Magna Cum Laude) and a Master’s in Educational Leadership from Florida International University. She has spent ten years in education and served as an Assistant Principal for two years in a local private school. Maria enjoys reading everything from classic literature to contemporary memoirs, traveling, and spending time with her family. She also enjoys watching campy made-for-tv science fiction films that involve scary animals!