Homework Avoidance

Johnna A. Ithier
Average: 3.4 (9 votes)

Good morning, I am a special education teacher and parent of two and have dealt with homework avoidance both at home and at a school. As a parent:


1.Find a time that works best for your child. My daughter will come home with her homework, and then have the rest of the night for herself. My, son needs a break 1st.


2. Set a routine and recognize it may take a while for routines to be set.


3. Know your child, sometimes my 6-year-old is exhausted and is falling asleep at the table. During those times, I decide what needs to be done and prepare for an early bedtime.


4. Advocate for your child. Sometimes homework is not necessary. My 1stgrader reads at a 3rd-grade level. Completing his reading log is annoying to him and I don't force him. He reads every night on his own. I want him to continue to love reading and not be turned off by filling out logs.


5. Sometimes students need more assistance, my 6-year-old can do his homework independently. My 6th grader still needs me at the table with her. Different strokes for different folks.


6. Work in intervals. Take a walk in between, do exercise, yoga.


7. Set rewards. I will get to take a break after I finish Science. If I finish my book during the week, I will have the weekend to play with my friends.


8. As a parent, you must be consistent and help your children set priorities. Homework then fun. No exceptions.


9. Talk the teacher about the reason for homework, the amount of homework, deadlines etc...


10. Make a chart indicating times for everything including homework, creating a to-do list that can be checked off.


11. Remove other activities from your child's plate. No chores doing the school year, do homework or wash the dishes, no extra-curricular without completed homework.


12. Recognize that you are the parent, not the friend. Sometimes your children will be angry with you for setting these demand but it is your job to teach them how to make good decisions, develop tenacity, and not avoid undesired tasks. 



Anonymous (not verified) / 7 years ago / permalink
Excellent article, but how do

Excellent article, but how do I rate it?

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JudyHanning11 / 7 years ago / permalink
Just put the arrow on the

Just put the arrow on the stars and click it

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Anonymous (not verified) / 6 years ago / permalink
Great article. Very sound

Great article. Very sound advice

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