Children and Electronics - Jessica Mead

Jessica Mead
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Jessica Mead has become one of the foremost experts in the alternative, supplemental, and customized education; she is not your typical “stay-at-home-mom.” While fully dedicated to her children’s global education that keeps the family traveling to learn in mobile classrooms, Jessica is also the CEO of Brandlync, a fully integrated marketing agency. In addition, Jessica serves as the COO for Mead Holdings Group, which manages more than 20 other companies. 

She is as savvy in business as she is smart in the classroom and serves to inspire not just other women trying to strike the right balance, but also men who want to become better parents without sacrificing business or family. 

Today, she is on a mission to educate underserved women globally on how to be better at the business so they can provide food and a solid future for their own children.  

Read Jessica’s latest article on CNBC here!

Keep up with Jessica on Instagram and Facebook