Can treatment for pure alexia improve letter-by-letter reading speed without sacrificing accuracy?

TitleCan treatment for pure alexia improve letter-by-letter reading speed without sacrificing accuracy?
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
AuthorsS Lott, N, Friedman, RB
JournalBrain Lang
Date Published1999 May
KeywordsAged, Dyslexia, Acquired, Humans, Kinesthesis, Linguistics, Male, Reading, Severity of Illness Index, Touch, Treatment Outcome

An experimental treatment study designed to improve both the accuracy and the speed of reading was administered to a patient with pure alexia and impaired letter naming. The study focused on the use of letter-by-letter reading. A two-stage approach was employed. The first stage implemented a tactile-kinesthetic strategy to improve accuracy. The second stage concentrated on speed. At the end of the treatment, patient DL was reading both trained and untrained words more accurately and with considerably greater speed than prior to treatment. Accuracy and speed of reading at the sentence level improved as well.

Alternate JournalBrain Lang
PubMed ID10210630
Grant ListR01 DC01799 / DC / NIDCD NIH HHS / United States
R01 HD36019 / HD / NICHD NIH HHS / United States