New to Homeschooling - Michael Kawula

Michael Kawula
Help A Teen , home of the Go!
Average: 4.5 (2 votes)




Michael Kawula is the co-founder of Help A Teen, home of the Go! Be The One 10 Week transformational experience where high school teens find a nonprofit their passionate about and following the program raise awareness for the cause. During the 10 weeks Teens not only help a nonprofit, but they learn true life skills they’ll use forever to raise awareness for themselves.  Parents love this program because teens will also create a resume, collect letters of recommendation, gain potential community service hours, stand out on their college application and gain a competitive advantage when interviewing with employers in the future. Michael has been interviewed by Anthony Robbins and hundreds of other publications. He’s a serial entrepreneur whose last company was ranked by Inc. Magazine as the 144th fastest growing business in the country. His passion is in education and helping our teens learn the life skills and street smarts needed to stand out in life and open doors of opportunity.

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