Affectionately known as “Jim Carrey with a Ph.D.,” Dr. Danny Brassell has held a variety of titles and worked with leaders from a variety of fields and disciplines, but he has always considered himself first and foremost a teacher. He is a best-selling author of 15 books, including The Reading Breakthrough and The Reading Makeover, based on his popular TEDx talk. For the past 20 years, he has also been a lecturer and professor at a number of universities, including his current position as a faculty advisor for the CalStateTEACH program and distinguished visiting professor at the American University of Cairo. A gregarious, sought-after author, speaker and business consultant, Danny is a recognized authority on leadership development, reading, motivation and communication skills, and the co-creator of, the world’s top reading engagement program. His mission is to bring joy back into education and the workplace. Thousands, from school districts to businesses to association conferences, have enjoyed his energetic, interactive, and informative presentations. He has spoken to over 3,000 different audiences worldwide. Most importantly, he is a proud husband and father of three.