New to Homeschooling - Amy KD Tobik

Amy KD Tobik
Exceptional Needs Today, Autism Parenting Magazine,
Average: 4.5 (2 votes)




Amy KD Tobik is the former Editor-in-Chief of Autism Parenting Magazine, an award-winning monthly international publication. She coordinated and managed an extensive group of doctors, autism specialists, and writers to create the most up-to-date news and professional guidance for families affected by autism. Magazine readers are from 30 countries, with the majority coming from the US and other English-speaking countries. A graduate of Sweet Briar College in Virginia, Amy’s experience includes more than 30 years of writing/editing newspapers, monthly magazines, technical documents/manuals, books, and websites. She and her husband have two adult daughters and live in the Carolinas.

Amy's new publication, Exceptional Needs Today, magazine aims to serve all individuals in need of special services to include autism, blindness or visual impairment, cerebral palsy, deafness or hearing impairment, developmental delay, Down syndrome, gift/talented, health concerns, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, orthopedic impairment, speech or language impairment, and traumatic brain injury. You can follow her on her Facebook and Instagram accounts. You can also subscribe here.

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